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Before the petrochemical drug culture existed, native peoples kept themselves alive and well with wild foods. The ancient Greek father of medicine Hippocrates stated, “Let food be your medicine.” Animals instinctively know which foods they should eat to heal their ailments. It's only modern-day humans who are in the dark. So, what do people do? They rely on doctors and pills instead of their own backyard.
Every time we are awakened by Mother Nature’s earth changes, be they hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, fires, or floods, untold thousands scramble for safety. Most folks are flat-out clueless and totally unprepared for human survival. The sad and sobering evidence is that untold numbers of needless deaths can be prevented. How? Simply by accurate knowledge. But what do people do? They wait in vain for government agencies to come to the rescue.
The answer to safely surviving everything from a lockdown or quarantine of your town or city to a simple ice storm that could leave you and tens of thousands of your neighbors without electricity, water, or food is proper knowledge. This is why I've written Alive and Well with Wild Foods—A Raw Food Survival Guide.
Once you read just a few pages, you'll be able to find the most nutritious vitamin-packed and mineral-rich tasty foods right in your own backyard. The cost? Zero! Your survival and wild food knowledge will become priceless. In addition to this 445-page guide packed full of color photos, you'll receive a full-color wild food identification card deck of ninety cards. The cards are equipped with a ring through the corner so you don't have to worry about dropping them on the ground as you search for new delicacies. And as a bonus the book is packed with recipes.
You'll feel a new sense of confidence as you acquire urban and wilderness survival skills. Over the last 15 years, I had many conversations with my old buddy Chris Janowsky, the founder of the World Survival Institute in Tok, AK, to whom I dedicated this book. I got the chance to pick his brain about every aspect of human survival, and Chris was one of the world's best survival expert. Now you can be privy to the important information I gleaned from this legend of survival wisdom.
You'll also be rewarded by the tips and insights I picked up in the 1970s from Catfish, Man of the Woods. Even the Queen of England came to see him in his shack. But I had the opportunity to hear Catfish’s secrets as we walked around his place picking herbs during our many visits together. Now you will also be able to share in these herbal secrets.
The best part about this is the new sense of optimism, confidence, and security you'll experience as you turn the pages of this colorful book. I assure you, this is very juicy stuff, not just some dry technical text! Your emotions are about to take the ride of a lifetime. So, welcome aboard and get ready for a new way of winning—by returning to the old ways.
Now Available!
Alive and Well with Wild Foods—A Raw Food Survival Guide
Shipping September 21st.
-Over 270 Glossy High Resolution Identification Photos.
-Act now and receive a FREE BONUS … ($30.00 Value)
Weather Proof, Fully Laminated, Wild Food Identification Cards.
You’ll receive 90 Cards to take outside and explore the food in your own yard!
To reserve your copy now, Just click this link:
Alive and Well with Wild Foods—A Raw Food Survival Guide
Or Call us 800-194-7141